“Learning through rural experinece” project, is a group EVS project whose themes are the rural developmenet and the development of Rroma communities from Valcea county, Romania.
The specific objectives of the project are:
- promoting the active citizenship and the European citizenship of a 4 volunteers with fewer opportunities through community actions in the support of rural development and Rroma communities
developing solidarity and tolerance between the young people participating to the project, by making frienship relations between volunteers and the young people from Rroma`s communities
- contributing to combating the poverty and the marginalization among the Rroma communities by active involvement of 4 volunteers in solving some social problems of those communities.
- Identification and adaptation of new non formal education methods used in the work with young people with fewer opportunities from Rroma and rural communities
- Improving the quality of supporing youth activities specific to rural and Rroma communities
- Developing a strong partnership between promotors, volunteers, Rroma organizations, public authorities in order to promote the European cooperation in the youth field and espeacelly for rural and Rroma communities development
The project facilitates the active participation of 4 volunteers from France, Portugal, Turkey and Georgia to an EVS stage of 12 months, during the period 01.05.2012 – 31.04.2013.
The main activities will be implemented in rural and Rroma communities from : Jiblea Veche, Sambotin, Goranu, Valea Cheii, Valea lui Stan, Colonie Nuci and there are:
- specific activities of spending the free time, outdoor activities, sport games and ecological education activities for young people from the rural and Rroma communities (painting workshops, music workshops, photo workshops, video workshops, workshops of foreign languages, IT workshops, workshops of communication and participation)
- activities of preserving and promoting the traditions of the rural and Rroma communities
- organizing some regional seminars whose goal will be promoting the rural development and promoting the Rroma young people involvement and the European Voluntary Service
- organizing a festival of rural and Rroma communities
- organizing workshops in the schools from rural communities on the development of creative competences among students
- organizing a rural youth camp, camp which will use inovative concepts developed during the implementation of EVS stage
The activities described above will be implemented using a range of non formal education methods like: energizers, role game, knowing games, intercultural games, structured dialogue, debates, photovoice, flash mob, forum theatre, street animation, open space, word caffe, living library, outdoor games.