“An Exchange for your Working Life” is a youth exchange and it is placed in Palermo from 06 to 14 of May 2015 . It involves 3 foreign partners besides Italy (Croatia, Romania and Spain) and 6
participants (5+1 leader) from each country.
The main topic is youth unemployment and we want to stimulate the use of no-formal learning methods such as instruments to be used for working. The specific objectives are: to disseminate the knowledge about the European programs for mobility; to study and analyze all their skills useful for the labor market; to learn the best methods to communicate the acquired skills. Collaboration, creativity and learning by doing are the key-words of the project and all activities will be conducted using no-formal learning methods.
The project provides meetings with experts (Eurodesk and human resources experts), interviews to citizens, outdoor activities, game sessions, four intercultural dinners and the production of a video which shows the utility of the no formal skills in labor market.
The project has a European spread through the network of European Partnership involved, as well as regional through the indirect involvement of some associations from Messina which want to
pursue their own way in the youth working.
Among participants and partner organizations the expected impact consists in deepening of the new European instruments for mobility and in enhancement of the soft skills stimulated and analyzed during the exchange.
Main Activities
The project includes the activities so divided:
– Games and workshops for the development of soft skills: sessions dedicated to games that develop different skills (communication, team building, leadership, cooperation and selfevaluation);
– Workshops reworking: comparison between participants on experiences in the sessions fun to understand how the use of soft skills has been helpful in carrying them out;
– Meetings with experts: sessions dedicated to the comparison with an expert in European youth programs (Eurodesk) to understand what are the horizons of new programming and 2014/20 with a human resources expert (Department youth policy CGIL) to understand how to better express their attitudes within a CV and / or a letter of motivation;
– Intercultural dinners: there are 4 dinners intercultural (one per country) through which each partner association has the opportunity to share their culinary culture, music and dance;
– Outdoor activities in Town: are scheduled sessions (interviews and treasure hunt) to play in the City to allow participants to confront the reality of Palermo and understand how mobility
instruments and their skills are perceived and considered;
– Realization of the promotional video: conception and creation of the video that promotes soft skills and their utilities in the U.E. labor market.